Basics of Social Recognition

Basics of Social Recognition

Everybody seems to be talking about Social Recognition. But what is it really?.

So is social recognition simply an act of giving recognition on a social platform, or is it deeper and more nuanced than that? Let us take a closer look at the basics of social recognition.

Social recognition isn’t just about giving and receiving appreciation. In fact it is a three part process that is interconnected between giving recognition, receiving recognition and observing and participating in that act of recognition.
When employees participate in all three aspects of recognition, the outcomes are clear. There is a 591% increase in employees who are engaged and a 536% increase in employees who are seen to be innovating.

There is a paradigm shift happening at workplaces around the world. With an increasingly connected and mobile workforce, companies are now more global and connected than ever before. Add to this the impact of a multi-generational workforce and the far reaching impact of mobile technology resulting in the need for new approaches to solving organizational challenges like engaging with the workforce.

Recognition is one of the most important drivers of employee engagement. Social recognition by its very design is open to all and reinforces a culture of daily appreciation. A well designed social recognition program encourages team members to thank colleagues for a job well done in a timely manner.

Social recognition can help drive cultural transformation at the workplace through positive reinforcement of desired behaviors. It is easier than ever before to have a finger on the pulse of the organization and drive desired change by publicly appreciating desirable actions aligned with organizational goals and value systems.

With mobile technology making huge inroads into our daily lives, and on-demand platforms being the norm – recognition that is dated and not in the moment is no longer seen as adequate. Technology today gives you the power to recognize great work instantly, in the moment and through any device or platform of your choice. There really is no excuse for sticking with the once-a-year annual awards events anymore.

Social recognition helps to drive peer and manager recognition. It helps companies to celebrate their culture and value systems. It helps to increase productivity and innovation while reducing turnover. Leveraging the power of technology makes adapting social recognition a snap.

An intuitive, easy to use platform like Thanks® is a pretty powerful tool to drive engagement at the workplace and is a win-win for both the employees and the organization.

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